IMPORTANT:  Before you press the "SUBMIT" button: Please read Registered Migration Australia Terms of Use

Step 5 of 5

Your DEtails

  • Your situation
  • Services required
  • Acknowledgement
  • Submit once 
  • Receive confirmation

Step 1 of 5

Your DEtails

  • Contact details
  • Name
  • Age
  • Family members

Step 2 of 5

Your qualifications

  • Qualification achieved
  • Education provider
  • English requirement
  • Country of Education
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Note* certain holders of subclasses 495, 496, 475 or 487 visas may be eligible to apply for a 489 visa with a shorter duration, without the need to be invited.

Please find further information about the GSM visa here.

  • obtain a positive skills assessment in a nominated occupation on the appropriate Skilled Occupations List ;
  • age: in general, the main applicants must be aged between 18 or over and less than 50;
  • English language ability;
  • in certain cases completion of one or more suitable qualifications after at least two years of study in Australia;
  • in certain cases, applicants need to lodge an Expression of Interest (EOI) using SkillSelect and be invited to apply for a visa, before they can lodge their GSM application.



We are experts at finding the right visa for your situation. We give you advice and the best chance to get your Australian visa.

Legal Disclaimer

This website is a public resource of general information which is intended, but not promised or guaranteed, to be complete, accurate, and up-to-date. This website is not intended to provide legal advice, and therefore, does not invite or create an attorney-client relationship. Visitors to this website should not act, or refrain from acting, based upon any information available via this website, and should always seek the advice of competent counsel in the relevant jurisdiction. Nothing in this website is to be considered as either creating an attorney-client relationship between the reader and Registered Migration Australia or as rendering legal advice for any specific matter. Readers are responsible for obtaining such advice from their own legal counsel. Registered Migration Australia expressly disclaims any and all liability with regard to actions taken or not taken based upon the content of this website.


Welcome to our free online General Skill Migration eligibility assessment.

Completing this assessment provides a preliminary indication on the likelihood of success of a visa application. Please ensure also that your questions accurately as possible to help us provide to you the best possible result.

Step 4 of 5

IELTS and HEalth

  • English proficiency
  • Health requirement
  • Character requirement

Step 3 of 5


Registered Migration Australia