Registered Migration Australia

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This website is a public resource of general information which is intended, but not promised or guaranteed, to be complete, accurate, and up-to-date. This website is not intended to provide legal advice, and therefore, does not invite or create an attorney-client relationship. Visitors to this website should not act, or refrain from acting, based upon any information available via this website, and should always seek the advice of competent counsel in the relevant jurisdiction. Nothing in this website is to be considered as either creating an attorney-client relationship between the reader and Registered Migration Australia or as rendering legal advice for any specific matter. Readers are responsible for obtaining such advice from their own legal counsel. Registered Migration Australia expressly disclaims any and all liability with regard to actions taken or not taken based upon the content of this website.

Family Reunion

The Humanitarian Program we offer forms part of Australia's contribution to the international protection of refugees and to those needing assisting both from inside and outside Australia. 

Registered Migration Australia

Here at Registered Migration Australia, we are dedicated to you and your loved ones in providing to you the best possible visa alternatives that suit all your family and partner needs.

Our most important win however is making you a happy with that life-long partner, dependent relative or family member because we understand that family is everything.


Knowledge Base

  • ​​Professional Indemnity Insurance
  • Personal consultation
  • Personal account management
  • Knowledgeable and Experienced Family and Partner Visa staff
  • Best immigration stream options
  • Multiple step visa applications that are made easy to understand
  • Transparent costs and Professional Service Fees
  • Specialist Visa applications
  • Lodgement tracking and updates
  • Bridging Visa options
  • Specialist and Humanitarian Visa options
  • Pro bono options (approval required)

Family and Partner visas

VISA subclasses include:

Simplifying Your Choices

We pride ourselves on our knowledge of Family and Partnership Migration Law. Why leave such important decisions are to chance?

Let us explain to  you the type of benefits and the options to relieve that worry.

Some of the Benefits You Will Enjoy Include: